Friday March 22
Some rain, some clouds, a few dry days, a bit of fog, and occasional peeks of sunshine. That’s about it for the next couple of weeks. If you seek more details, read on with your morn’n Mug refilled.
Today & Saturday looks wet, cool, cloudy. Moisture should diminish on Sunday, with clouds hanging around and peeks of sun. On Mon & Tue, Mar 25,26, a weak system will likely keep the PNW rather cloudy, with scattered showers; Tuesday will be the ‘drier’ of the two days. Temperatures will remain on the cool side.
Overnight Tue, Mar 26, the next bout of significant rainfall will begin to move into the PNW & California. Moderate-to-heavy rain, at times, and lots of mountain snow is expected across the entire west coast Wed & Thu. As the overall wet pattern shifts south into CA on Good Friday, the PNW will cool down and dry out, relatively speaking, as Easter weekend gets underway.
EASTER: Sunrise services should be dry but chilly; fog could be in play in the usual locations around the PNW. The rest of Easter Day looks dry, as well. Peeks of sunshine probable.
A favorable change in the long-range outlook is now charting, as models point to another decent stretch of DRY wx across the entire western U.S. from late Easter until April 5. So, we will go with that forecast for now. Expect dry & mild conditions for Mon April Fool’s Day through that week until a weak system appears on Fri the 5th. Maybe. Looks like temps will be in the 50s to 60s much of the week.
As noted, rain or showers could begin again Fri Apr 5, with a break Sat and more showers possible Sun Apr 6. Too far out to be confident.
“The child who knows the value of a dollar will usually wind up asking for two."
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