Monday October 23
Please pardon the delay in posting. Not feeling well at all. This will be short.
A much advertised cold front is working its way south along the BC coast today. Arrives overnight, from north-to-south. WINDY conditions out of the Fraser Gap will come into play, after all. Breezy in OR. The High pressure Yukon Dome will reach our ‘1040 mb’ mark, so expect winds to increase later tomorrow. Quite windy on Wed. RAIN, moderate-at-times Tue & Wed. Drying late week, with FROST possible if the sky clears & winds drop in your area.
A secondary push of cold, continental air will begin arriving on Fri, so expect chilly temps to continue. Continued chance for FROST into the weekend ahead.
This High pressure Dome will move south & east, setting up STRONG WINDS over southern OR and CA Sunday. Next week, CA may get the ’Santa Ana Winds’ going in the south.
The PNW will remain DRY with east-to-northeast breezes diminishing around Halloween. A dry Halloween. We don’t say that often! Next period of very wet weather should arrive Thu Nov 2 and continue for at least 5 days. Help keep storm drains clear of leaves.
Prep water spigots, irrigation lines, patio plants, etc for subfreezing temps.
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