The Sound of Rain

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday October 24
Ah, rain.  Plenty more to come.  Refill & sip on.
There is variability in timing of the next series of wet systems, so we’ll simply forecast on/off RAIN all this week. Thu may not end up the dry day after all.  Systems are 24 hours or less apart, with showers and partial clearing in between each Pacific front.  Raincoats needed daily.  The coming weekend may begin a Triple Punch.
Three strong systems are modeled to arrive starting late Saturday night, Oct 29 with WIND and moderate rainfall, esp for western WA.  That’s #1.  Number 2 hits the PNW Sunday night or before sunrise Halloween morning, with a bit stronger winds, per current prog charts.  The 3rd, which could be the strongest of the Triple Punch, slams into the region on Tue November 1.  HEAVY rainfall for western WA.  Localized flood issues may arise in portions of western WA, particularly the NW corner (western BC will be slammed, as well).  Note that model scenarios do have a variance, so the second storm may not materialize.  Either way, these systems will be notable for the amount of precipitation & gusty winds.
The PNW will be granted a ‘dry out’ period starting Wed Nov 3, which may last through the following weekend of Nov 5,6.  Don’t make outdoor plans just yet.
A long, but pleasant quote, from John Muir:
“Good luck and good work for the happy mountain raindrops, each one of them a high waterfall in itself, descending from the cliffs and hollows of the clouds to the cliffs and hollows of the rocks, out of the sky-thunder into the thunder of the falling rivers.  Some, falling on meadows and bogs, creep silently out of sight to the grass roots, hiding softly as in a nest, slipping, oozing hither, thither, seeking and finding their appointed work.  Some, descending through the spires of the woods, sift spray through the shining needles, whispering peace and good cheer to each one of them.” -John Muir, 1869.
We welcome the sound of rain back to the PNW.
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