Extended Heat Possible

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday July 22
Word is out on the heat wave about to arrive.  What is uncertain is the number of consecutive days with temps above 90 degrees.  Let us 'Mug through' the possibilities, shall we?
Pleasant temperatures today & Saturday.  Heat will begin to build into the PNW starting Sunday, with each day next week likely above 90 in many locations around the PNW.  Onshore flow will be minimal, so overnight low temps will end up being rather uncomfortable for those without air conditioning as the week progresses.  HOTTEST days could be Wed & Thu, with the Willamette Valley and SW WA topping into triple-digits.
We see the potential for the coming heat wave to last 5-6 days, which is longer than classic 3 days.  This will depend on how much onshore flow develops NEXT weekend.  If the marine ‘air conditioning' is nominal, temps will remain 90+ in many west side locations through Saturday July 30 or even Sunday.  Triple-digit temps are possible 3 days in a row in the Willamette Valley; longer in the usual hot southern OR zone, and east side.  
This heat cycle will NOT be anywhere near the extreme heat experienced the end of June 2021; still, please be neighborly - keep an eye on the elderly in your area - make sure they are keeping cool.  Remember, hundreds passed away in the PNW from the horrible heat last year, mostly seniors living alone without AC.
Early August is looking quite normal - temps in the upper 80s to lower 90s, with a cooler day thrown in here & there.  No rain.  Even the risk for mountain thunderstorms is low on the charts (for now).
—> Mind that water source for your animals, both pets and livestock.
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