The Weather Cafe ® by Rufus

Written by Rufus La Lone since 1994.

Up & Down

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday June 21
Full summer mode now.  Will the weather cooperate?  ☕️ Let’s take a peek. 
For the rest of June, the overall pattern ahead remains that of an 'Up & Down’ mix of warm days & cooler ones with morning marine clouds (along with the chance for a stray shower or two, primarily over the Puget Sound region). 
Specifically, expect warm wx today & Satrurday, yielding to cooler temperatures Sunday & Mon, before the warmth returns next Tue & maybe Wed.  Then, temps drop again, with the returning chance for a few showers, north of Chehalis.  As noted, the end of next week will bring on another couple of warm wx afternoons - which could usher in a few 90s in western OR - before cooling on Sunday, Jun 30, to end the month.
July is charting to start with more persistent cool wx.  The cool trough (Low pressure) arriving Mon July 1 looks to be rather WET over the Puget Sound to start that week (1/8 - 1/4 inch of rain possible); OR should have more of a cloud even and ID looks damp.  Cool, morning-cloud-deck type of weather is charting for the 4th of July, with showers over the Sound on the 5th; dry for the rest of the PNW.  
“If God had really intended for man to fly he’d make it easier to get to the airport."
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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On a Pogo Stick

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday June 17
Astronomical Summer starts this Thursday, as will a notable warm-up in the region’s temperatures.  Refill your morn’n Mug; time for our Monday update.
Cool temps will slowly yield to summer temps by the end of this week.  Currently, models have ‘done away’ with any threat for broad areas of precipitation during the next 10 days (exception - northern half of Vancouver Island next weekend).  The heat zone over the desert SW is modeled to briefly nudge to the NW by Thu & Fri, ushering in a short round of warm-to-hot temps for the PNW.   
Charts suggest a short cool-down over the coming weekend, as an onshore flow increases due to a weak Low pushing over northern Vancouver Island / SW BC.  Once that Low moves east, expect PNW temps to heat back up for another couple of days next Mon & Tue; then the pattern repeats.
Temps will drop some by Wed Jun 26 with onshore flow cooling down the region - pushing back at the heat trying to nudge in.  This time, the Low pressure trough could be strong enough to threaten showers around the PNW for a couple of days -> Thu & Fri Jun 27,28.
The last weekend of June 2024 continues to look partly cloudy, with a chance for showers (mainly the NW WA / Vancouver ls area).  Mild temperatures.  
As July gets underway, models suggest a couple days of HOT weather before another Low pressure trough presents an onshore flow by the 4th of July.  No bets just yet.  
Bottom line:  for the rest of June, regional temperatures will pop up & down like playing on a Pogo Stick.
“Your day goes the way the corner of your mouth goes."
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday June 14
Bit of an adjustment in the forecast, relative to our last report, so let’s review that change.  Mug time.
As expected, a cold Low will move its way into the PNW this weekend.  So, expect increasing clouds & cooler temperatures beginning later today, with showers likely Sat & Sunday.   Given the cold air aloft, scattered showers & thunderstorms are probable this weekend, with the Saturday being the wetter of the 2 days.  Still, not a complete washout.  
The good news is that the earlier modeled storm for Mon/Tue next week is not going to develop.  While we could catch a shower here & there early next week, generally it will be on the drier side, vs this weekend.  Mild temps.  Then, by mid-week, expect temperatures to begin to build up for a warm, even hot (east side) period from Thu Jun 20 through the following weekend, Jun 22,23.  Medford could tease out high 90s that weekend.
For the week of Jun 24 - 28 models are projecting an increasing onshore flow early, with a return to a Low moving in for increasing clouds and the chance for precipitation.  Indeed, the final weekend of June 2024 is trending rather chilly and DAMP.  Early yet on this, so expect another adjustment.
Bottom line: following a cool, showery period this weekend, we should have a decent stretch of WARM & dry weather for the better part of a week.  
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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One Damp Period Ahead

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Monday June 10
A fair mix of weather ahead; quite seasonal.  Let’s enjoy a morn’n bev and get the week going - - -
Pleasant conditions in store this week, with morning marine clouds pushing inland, at times, burning off in the afternoon.  The Puget Sound will have mid-level clouds moving overhead Tue evening (showers over N Vanc. Is) and early Wed.  OR & ID conditions just fine. 
By the coming weekend, we can expect increasing clouds and chance for some showers over the Puget Sound Fri night, then expanding over OR and SW WA by late Sunday and into Monday.  Monday & Tue next week are charting to be our wettest period for the balance of June.  Quarter-to-half inch cumulative precip west side is probable.  Outside chance for a few showers around the 28th (a cold front drops down the BC coast), but that is ‘on the edge’ of our model’s view right now.
Onshore flow will hold temperatures in the moderate range.  For now, it looks like a HOT wx pattern may return around Jun 20-25.  We’ll see.
“When a speaker says, ‘Well, to make a long story short' - it’s too late."
Copyright © 1994-2024 - All Rights Reserved - The Weather Café ®
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Typical June Wx

Posted by Rufus La Lone on

Friday June 7
Standard June weather ahead --> meaning a few toasty days, along with some cloudy days with chance for showers.  
  • Warm-to-hot for the next couple of days, with cooler onshore push starting Sunday.  
  • Pleasant next week, with clouds possible over the Puget Sound on Tue; sunny elsewhere.
  • Next chance for showers remains during the weekend of Jun 15,16; definitely cooler.  
  • Week of Jun 17-21 starts with some cloudiness (slight chance for showers) & periods of sunshine; turning warmer after the 19th.
  • Weekend of Jun 22,23 is trending dry & warm.
“It is soon going to be too hot to do the job is was too cold to do last winter."
🎓 Congrats to all the Graduates in the great PNW, both high school & college!
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